
\ 小銘說:涼涼的海風吹過我們,看...

\ 小銘說:涼涼的海風吹過我們,看著大海牽著你的手,走在細白的沙灘上,腦海中彷彿就可以看見你的笑容、聽見你的聲音,這樣美好的一切,都是因為有你才值得。\ Marc said: The cool sea breeze blows past us. Looking at the sea and hold

ing your hand, we take a walk on the sandy white beach. I can see your smile and hear your voice in my mind. Because you are part of my life, making it so worthwhile, that everything shines with beauty. \ \ Smart phone:@samsungtaiwan\ Instagram ➡ @ms961024\ YouTube ➡ ms961024\ Facebook ➡ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #traveling #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #taiwan #instagram #samsung\

\ 第三天的蜜月旅行,我們在海灘上...

\ 第三天的蜜月旅行,我們在海灘上吃燭光晚餐,對蘇美島都還是充滿好奇和期待,這裡的人都非常的友善,臉上隨時帶著單純善良的笑容,輕快的音樂、浪漫的燈光,我們的心都幸福了。?❤??????⭐\ On the third day of our honeymoon, we had a candlelight

dinner on the beach. Regarding Sumei Island, we were still full of curiosity and expectations. The people here are very friendly. They always have a simple and gracious smile, play lighthearted music, have romantic lighting, so our hearts are filled with happiness.Smart phone:@samsungtaiwan\ \ Instagram ➡ @ms961024\ YouTube ➡ ms961024\ Facebook ➡ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #traveling #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #taiwan #instagram #samsung\

\ 第三天的蜜月旅行,我們在海灘上...

\ 第三天的蜜月旅行,我們在海灘上吃燭光晚餐,對蘇美島都還是充滿好奇和期待,這裡的人都非常的友善,臉上隨時帶著單純善良的笑容,輕快的音樂、浪漫的燈光,我們的心都幸福了。?❤??????⭐\ On the third day of our honeymoon, we had a candlelight

dinner on the beach. Regarding Sumei Island, we were still full of curiosity and expectations. The people here are very friendly. They always have a simple and gracious smile, play lighthearted music, have romantic lighting, so our hearts are filled with happiness.Smart phone:@samsungtaiwan\ \ Instagram ➡ @ms961024\ YouTube ➡ ms961024\ Facebook ➡ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #traveling #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #taiwan #instagram #samsung\

\ 一早起床,就是要衝往美麗沙灘,...

\ 一早起床,就是要衝往美麗沙灘,當第一個下水的海王子!溫暖的陽光搭配著一望無際的海,我們呼吸蘇梅島的南洋空氣、聽著平靜的海浪聲,這就是最幸福的人生。\ We got up early to rush towards the beautiful beach and be the first to d

ive into the ocean waters and be the prince of the seas! The warmth of the sun with the endless ocean horizon, us being able to breathe in the southern ocean air of Sumei Island, listening to the splashing of the waves. This is the life. \ sunglasses:@superson_eyewear\ Smart phone:@samsungtaiwan\ \ Instagram ➡ @ms961024\ YouTube ➡ ms961024\ Facebook ➡ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #traveling #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #taiwan #instagram #samsung\

\ 走在蘇美島海灘上,沿著海岸邊有...

\ 走在蘇美島海灘上,沿著海岸邊有許多可愛的椰子樹,所以蘇美島也叫椰子島,海水很冰涼、沙灘的沙像冰淇淋一樣綿密柔軟,這是我們蜜月的第一天。?❤??????????\ Walking on the beach of Sumei Island, along the coast there are man

y lovely coconut trees, hence Sumei Island is also called Coconut Island. The sea is cold and refreshing and the sand on the beach is as soft like ice cream. This is the first day of our honeymoon.\ @samsungtaiwan\ \ Instagram ➡ @ms961024\ YouTube ➡ ms961024\ Facebook ➡ms961024\ \ #2019 #gaylove #gay #gayboy #gaycouple #cuteboy #gayvacation #gaytravel #gayteen #traveling #gayguys#gayswithstories #lgbt #loveislove #rainbow #instalove #goodday #gaypride #beautifulday #iloveyou #love #boyfriend #boyslove #lovewins #meninlove #mylove #myboy #taiwan #instagram #ms961024\

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. 即便在斷食期間不能吃東西 腦公餓了 強忍著煎牛排香味的酷刑 也要弄個宵夜出來 . 看到腦公開心的吃

牛排 真的很想掐死他 . #2020 #gaylove #gay #husband #gaycouple #lgbt #loveislove # #love #boyfriend #夫夫 #大頭哥哥 #justin #大賈遇頭

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. 那天去和平島玩水 一心一意知道自己會游泳 結果一下水發現誤會一場 「 我 不 會 游 泳

」 我把自己曬成這樣一副 適水性極佳的樣子 結果是個旱鴨子super dry 臉真的是丟大了 我明明記得我會阿! 我國小考試有過欸 我想我最近需要一個游泳教練 哦 然後我在淋浴間被拉簾子了️ - 來自突然發現自己不會游泳的旱鴨子肯尼心聲 - # #‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️ #和平島公園 #和平島海水游泳池 #taiwan #keelung #lovingtan #instagay #igers #hafler #mixrace #tan #tanman #taiwan #lgbt #tan #angelababy弟弟 #angelababy #tanman #lightroom #hm #travel #summervibes #beach #beachlife

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今晚8點#麵麵酗酒時間 直播加開 !!! 2020.07.04 8 PM DJ Noodles Ho

use Party vol 7 @Bounceondecks DJ 工作室IG &FB直播! 壓力太大又想學DJ的朋友快手刀報名夏季限定 《 bounceondecks DJ減壓班》,更別錯過預約免費DJ體驗班的機會喔~ 夏季限定快手刀報名! 連結 https://m.facebook.com/bounceondecks 課程每堂均附一杯酒精飲料 (也可選擇無酒精軟性飲料) *實際飲品以現場提供為主 18歲以下請勿飲酒  #DJNoodles #BounceOnDecks #IWannaBeWithU #MakeSomeFunkyNoise #musicproduction #music #concert #party #trap #hiphop #festival #DJLife #picsoftheday #hairstyle #videooftheday  #positivevibe #entertainment #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtq #stayhome #livestreaming

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DJ Noodles house party #麵麵轟趴時間 vol5! 跟LA Beat lab a

cademy第一名畢業的新銳House電音製作人 @shawtunes ,聊聊怎麼玩電子音樂 Live-streaming with #Shawtunes 2020.06.20 8:00PM @djnoodlestw & @bounceondecks #IG 直播!   想學DJ的朋友快手刀報名6月開課的初階團體班,更別錯過預約免費@bounceondecks DJ體驗班的機會喔~  #DJNoodles #BounceOnDecks #shaw #IWannaBeWithU #MakeSomeFunkyNoise #musicproduction #music #concert #party #trap #hiphop #festival #DJLife #picsoftheday #hairstyle #videooftheday  #positivevibe #entertainment #lgbtq #lgbt #lgbtq #stayhome #livestreaming

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感謝熱線愛滋/跨性別小組,2020爽歪歪講座第一彈《天后降臨》圓滿落幕 感謝各路親友相隨 Phot

o by @aw_thecityboy #love #beauty #makeup #painting #lgbt #dragqueen #Drag #taipei #taiwan #Feifain #art